Center for Research and Equipment for Assistive Technology in Education
The Center for Research and Equipment for Assistive Technology in Education (CREATE) opened for faculty and students in the College of Education at Purdue University to use in Fall of 2021. Multiple classes utilize both the center located in Beering Hall as well as the mobile carts to demonstrate assistive technology in courses. Pre-service teachers also have access to check out resources and equipment for use with students in their field experiences. CREATE stemmed from a need for students and faculty to have access to both pre-made assistive technology and make-and-take assistive technology to provide high quality instruction for each and every student. The center was established in 2021 with $100K funding from the Purdue Instructional Equipment Grant.

The mission of CREATE is to promote accessibility and inclusion in education through innovative and effective interventions. CREATE is an Assistive Technology (AT) library and makerspace for individualizing and creating the next generation of AT interventions.
What is Assistive Technology?
Assistive Technology (AT) is any device, software, or equipment that increases, maintains, or improves the way people learn, communicate, or live (IDEA Amendments of 2004. P.L. 108-446, 20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq., 300.5).